Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

I have been lived in Batam for eight years,,,,,,,,,,,,I had ever worked for some company in Batam that located in Batamindo Industrial Park,,,,,,,,,I came here in 2003. I work and study for several years in this city. And now I am  a teacher in the oldest school in this city. I love Batam so much. Many opinions come from different person, I still remember when someone told me the meaning of Batam. Batam is Bila Anda TIba Anda Menang, and I think it's true. Why do I say so? Yeah I think I win coz I still in Batam. I never think to go back to my hometown.  I have been falling in love with Batam. Oh, Batam, you are so beautiful, amazing, you are everything. Batam gives me so many friends from different race, religion. Batam you are blessed. :)

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